Need help? It’s not far away…
If you need help with any of your beetroot services you can either phone us and/or fill out a support ticket. We prefer it if you fill out a support ticket as it’s then easier for us to quickly troubleshoot and provide an answer to your request, but if your need is urgent you can always call us.

If your need is urgent you can phone us on:
0800 756 1087
Please note lines are open 08:00 through 16:00 Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
Outside of those times please:
raise a ticket or send an email to [email protected]
We may be able to answer your question more quickly if you raise a support ticket, especially if you contact us out of normal support hours or we are unavailable when you call.
You can raise a support ticket here: