beetrootPSA Value Proposition
What’s the problem?
Delivering Patient Stratified Follow Up (PSFU) for cancer patients following treatment can be costly in clinician and administrative time and inconvenient to patients.
How do we solve this problem?
By deploying beetrootPSA, a digital health monitoring service that enables the automation and digitisation of monitoring and audit of follow-up patients. An administrator is used to run the system rather than more expensive clinical staff.
How do we do this?
By enabling administrators on behalf of clinicians to set up digital PSA monitoring pathways in beetroot and automatically collecting PSA values from pathology. See the following slide for a simple explanation and sample screens from beetroot.
What evidence do we have to support our solution?
Now that it is in routine use beetrootPSA has been evaluated on a cohort of uro-oncology patients at Southend Hospital (Mid and South Essex ICB). The full evidence is available on request.
What are the potential savings in using beetroot?
Based on the MSE evaluation headline savings across 349 patients amounted to £60,377 per annum, plus £20,269 per annum by identifying 117 out-of-area patients and transferring them back to their local hospital. Further savings through efficiencies will be identified.